Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Been busy...

Apologies to readers for not having updated this blog recently.

I have recently begun blogging for a charity project on 4Basra.

Although the content there is different to what is on here at the moment, you might find it interesting...

Other writing work is also taking up my time: for Diplo Magazine and Voice (a small environmental NGO based in Dublin.

I will also be attending a writing workshop (see Inkwell Writers for more information) in October and then again in the new year.

As well as all this, I also try to pay for it all through other, more business-related work, which is a necessary evil at the moment.

If my blog design company ever get off their backside, I hope to have a new and improved blog, to which I hope to transfer some of the content that is currently on here.

In the meantime, thanks for looking and I will try to post here a bit more often.